
Website PwC

Job Description:

The purpose of this role is to contribute to the PwC’s quality and efficiency objectives by providing internal support to Partners and their engagement teams in respect of assurance methodology, ATP and Aura matters. Projects which this role will be involved in will primarily be of an assurance methodology, ATP or Aura nature however as far as possible we will endeavour to involve this role in the other areas of assurance support, (e.g. L&E, Audit technical, Risk Management) to the extent that this is of a quality or efficiency nature.

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Job Responsibilities:

  • Ensure consistency of assurance methodology messages through regular interaction with the assurance methodology network.
  • Manage the implementation of assurance methodology, ATP and Aura projects to ensure quality and efficiency across assurance engagements. Overall management and responsibility will include reporting on implementation progress over the course of the various projects.
  • Support assurance teams in ensuring quality, whilst driving efficiency, and compliance to assurance methodology through performing of efficiency, CIR and audit quality reviews.
  • Drive behavioural change amongst assurance Partners and their engagement teams through regular and targeted communication. The focus of the behavioural change will be at the forefront of the transformation objectives in an effort to ensure PwC is distinctive.
  • Identify and manage local ATP initiatives with the sole responsibility of implementation, roll out and reporting.
  • Manage communication with the assurance methodology network under the direction of the team leader. Communication will take the form of facilitating learning interventions as well as writing alerts for release to the practice.
  • Respond to assurance methodology, ATP or Aura queries and where possible assist assurance engagement teams with guidance on best practice to drive quality and efficiency.

Job Requirements:

  • Chartered Accountant (South Africa)
  • Should be confident in their communication of information to the
  • Well-developed writing and verbal skills.
  • Minimum of 36 months post-Articles experience as an Audit engagement manager
  • Strong presentation skills will be beneficial.

Job Details:

Company: PwC

Vacancy Type: Full Time

Job Location: Johannesburg, Gauteng, SA

Application Deadline: N/A

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